How to Be a Stay-at-Home Mom and Manage Responsibilities Well

Raising a child is no easy feat, as there are a lot of factors to consider and planning to do. Aside from getting everything done to having a strategic plan for parenting problems, child-raising implies a lot of work. But this does not mean that parenting has to be stressful. In fact, there are many benefits to mastering parenting. If you prefer or plan on being a stay-at-home mom then this article is for you.

Stay-at-home moms have various responsibilities categorized throughout the whole day. Transitioning from being a full-time mom to a stay-at-home mom may be difficult to get used to at first. Likewise, transitioning from being a stay-at-home mom to a full-time-working mom entails a lot of changes too. Either way, parenting has become a source of overcoming hardships in either field. One of the most important things to ask yourself if you are planning on being a stay-at-home mom is the readiness to shift your daily activities.

Things To Consider

Early stages of childhood are critical for the growth and development of a child. The care that you put forth during this stage will affect the growth and development of your child for years to come. Being a stay-at-home mom will give you complete control over the activities allotted for your child. Being a stay-at-home mom will put you in a challenge against time. If you don’t have a list or plan throughout the day, chances are you will likely panic because of various circumstances. There is a lot to consider when you stay at home for your kids.


Getting enough sleep may be hard especially when you are getting used to the daily activities of staying at home with your child. Wake up at least 1 or 1.5 hours to start your day right and create a schedule wherein you can take at least one 30 minutes nap time during the afternoon. It is also important to be attuned to the sleeping habits of your child to help you sleep longer hours too. It may be hard adjusting your sleep time at first but getting the hang out of your activities by planning in advance can help you add 1 or 2 hours to your sleep routine. If you are planning your routine for the whole day remember that it is also important to give yourself some space. Do not stuff it to the brim with so many activities because it can add to the burden of not finishing everything off at the end of the stay. Instead plan 4 or 5 major activities for the day in advance and think of plausible activities that you can add that are doable.


Creating a routine that everyone can follow and maintain is another responsibility of stay-at-home moms. Set up boundaries for your children that lets them know the waking hours and also create established times for eating breakfast, lunch and dinner.


photo of yellow and white alarm clock for stay at home mom
Photo by Laura Chouette on Unsplash
It is most optimal that everyone eats at the same time because this enforces regularity and lets you maintain control over the activities in your household. With an established routine of waking, sleeping and eating times, you can accomplish more work throughout the day.

Tips for an Awesome Stay-at-Home Mom

With how busy stay-at-home moms are with their schedule and catering to everyone’s needs and wants, it is important to stay on top of your game.

1. Organize a Special Look

Clothing creates a mindset for a person depending on the work or situation that they will tackle. This is one of the main reasons why uniforms are effective for getting people in the mood for work. This is also the same for stay-at-home moms. Have a specific look that you want to don for specific days. Color coding your clothes during weekdays will also help you get in the mood and fuel your creativity. You can also opt for a more relaxed look during weekends or during days wherein you find yourself having more time compared to others.

2. Take a Walk

It may be hard to squeeze down your own walking time during a busy day but scheduling a walk during the afternoon will help you relax your muscles after a strenuous schedule. Just make sure that you have prepared all your baby travel essentials before going outside. It doesn’t have to be long as long as it helps you unwind for 30 minutes or so.
You can also create a morning routine wherein you wake up earlier than the rest of the household and take a quick exercise run around the neighborhood to get your flow pumping as this will also signal the start of your day. Habit can make or break a person and having something to look forward to everyday will greatly help you cope with the amount of work you have to do. Remember to take breaks in between, may it be reading a book or eating desserts during tea time with your toddlers because resting is part of work too.

3. Independent Playtime

Create a specific independent play time for your kids to nurture their creativity and self-growth. Kids having their own play time will encourage them to explore and learn things their own way.
baby holding yellow cup standing on wooden floor
Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash
Of course, this is considering that you also have a set time for teaching your kids. Weaving independent play times and separating them from joint play times will help kids keep track of their own time. Having cue cards or routine cards to remind your children regarding their daily routines is also very helpful.

4. Be Attuned With Yourself

If you are feeling bummed or stressed with everything and overwhelmed with the number of tasks that you have to finish, it may be time for you to wind down. Seeking help from trusted friends or relatives to do other tasks for you will help. Instead of leaving the house to personally shop for groceries, you can have them delivered at your doorstep or if you are not feeling well during the day, you can ask for help in cleaning the house. The point is, you have to know when to rest or draw the line when you are overwhelmed. This will help prevent you from bottling up your worries or woes that can transmit to your children in verbal cues. It is important to know yourself and when to seek help from time to time to give your body and mind a break.
"A mother is she who can take the place of all others but whose place no one else can take." - Cardinal Meymillod
Also, you can schedule a day during the week to meet up with your friends or go to movies. Having an alone or me time is essential for giving yourself that much needed leisure time.

The Benefits

1. Save Money
Stay-at-home moms save more money because they don’t have to budget for child care as they can manage it on their own. When working, you have to consider your daily expenses at work and the money that should be allotted for child care. Staying at home will help you manage your expenses and cut down some of the costs.
2. Many Firsts
When you are with your precious child every day, you will be there for him or her every step of the way. This means that if anything happens or if your child gets stressed you can immediately help them cope with situations. You can be there for your child immediately when they feel sick and provide the necessary care. In addition, you will also be able to give 100% for your child, without being stressed with deadlines or problems from work. You can also focus more on what you can give to your child and plan for further daily activities.
3. Social Life
You will probably meet other stay-at-home moms and interact with them regarding tips on parenting. In addition, you can also share your own experiences while asking for some advice from trustworthy moms.
woman carrying baby dressed in yellow shirt with two ladies beside her
Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash
You can build more connections with other moms and also take up hobbies that you are fully interested in. This can lower your stress levels especially when you want to share your experiences and learn something new from others.
4. Future Plans
When you stay at home for your child, you take full control of the family’s schedule. This means that the daily routine of your spouse and your children are directly related to your management. You can choose the time to make your family’s routine more organized and also provide a more cohesive plan for the development of your child. You can try which methods of learning work best for your child at home to prepare them for their future education. Your child will also have a decrease in feelings of separation anxiety because your presence is always there to give them what they need.
5. More Time
Spending time with your children at home lets you have more time to focus on what you want. If you get used to temper tantrums and know how to fully guide your children whenever they have a fit, it can be very fulfilling. Knowing how to give directions and guide your child can be challenging at first but the more you spend time with them, the more you understand their feelings. You can also cherish more moments with your loved ones because you will be able to witness how they grow up and provide a comfortable place for child care. Being a stay at home mom can be gratifying and satisfying because it gives you the fulfillment of raising your child personally and also enjoy the perks of motherhood.


Stay-at-home moms work nonstop for the whole week and may have little time for themselves especially in the early years of parenting. Nevertheless, there are a lot of benefits to consider staying at home with your kids. It is up to you to weigh the pros and cons of the situation and plan accordingly for your child. The most essential thing to remember is to take care of yourself as the welfare of your family is directly tied to your health and well-being too. Don’t be too harsh on yourself and take a breather from time to time too because a mother’s love will always be a sustaining force within the family.